Nuart #8 - Intangible

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Nuart #8 - Intangible
Nuart Journal is a forum for critical discourse and commentary on a wide range of topics relating to street art practice and urban art cultures. The journal is built on the foundations of Nuart Plus in Stavanger (Norway) and Aberdeen  the world’s first annual symposium dedicated to street art practice. Nuart Plus, in turn, is one of the main features of Nuart, one of the first ever street art festivals.  

With a unique mix of both academic articles as well as (visual) essays, book reviews, interviews and more experimental submissions, we aim for a wide audience. Each issue has a different colour and revolves around a specific theme. We're about to go to print with our latest issue (number 8), which centres around the theme of ‘intangible heritage'. It contains 12 contributions spread out over 122 pages.