Polaris #2 - Awe

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Polaris #2 - Awe

Days Filled with Wonder, Days Full of Hope.

The theme of our latest special issue is 'awe'. We collected narratives of awe from people all over the world to explore its meaning and possibilities from multiple perspectives. We have included a prison music label in London, a charismatic rapper in Bhutan, the British street paper THE BIG ISSUE, folk tales from Tono in Iwate Prefecture, documenta15, an arts festival in Germany, and young artists from the Ukraine.

Awe is recognised by many as a feeling of fear towards the immensity of nature and the divine. Through our collection of narratives, we reimagine them as an opportunity to open our hearts and minds to the admiration, hope and unknown events in our daily lives and to find deeper meaning in life.

About Polaris: 

"We are a travel magazine based in Japan and the UK. Our concept is "a journey of contemplation". Rather than introducing destinations like most travel magazines, we are a magazine that collects the various narratives of people we meet on our journeys and searches for hints for contemplating the way of life. From the perspective of design and cultural anthropology, the magazine explores the new relationships and possibilities of narratives and pursues the essential value of the act of travelling."