BCNMCR x UNITOM: A Celebration of Barcelona's Design Scene

BCNMCR x UNITOM: A Celebration of Barcelona's Design Scene
On the 20th of April we held a launch event to mark the beginning of BCNMCR. The night included a launch of the highly anticipated book 'BCN/MCR - Design & Dialogue from Barcelona'.

 BCN/MCR book

People reading BCN/MCR book
It was wonderful to welcome the designers and creatives from Barcelona, Dave Sedgwick and the BCNMCR team, as well as loads of Manchester’s local artists and designers who turned out in force to support the start of this exciting inter-city event.

Event attendees

Huge thanks to FOILCO for running an incredibly fun hot foil printing workshop at this event. Everyone got properly stuck in and the team were on hand to demonstrate different techniques and answer questions. It was a foiling frenzy!
Drawing designs to be hot foiled
Hot foil pen

It was great to see all your hand drawn designs being peeled and revealed (satisfying!) and we hope you enjoyed taking your personalised mementos home.
Peeling foil to reveal final print

I heart MCR hot foiled print
'BCN/MCR - Design & Dialogue from Barcelona' is a thing of beauty. It was great to experience so much enthusiastic engagement with this one-of-a-kind publication on the night. The book is a great resource for designers everywhere, featuring interviews, showcases of work from top studios, and vital conversations about the future of design in Barcelona and beyond.  We have a limited number of copies available in store and online. Don’t miss out.
BCN/MCR book 

The books, the beer, the buzz… thank you to everyone who came down and made this event so special.

People chatting and laughing

People chatting and laughing


All of the photographs used in this post were taken by the wonderful Adrian Brenner - thank you for the permission and for such great shots of this event.
