Rakesprogress #17

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Rakesprogress #17

Welcome to the latest volume of stunning photographs and revealing stories about the art of gardens, plants and flowers as seen through the lens of rakesprogress.

Inside the new issue photographer Murray Ballard shares his story of documenting the sudden and shocking demise of Puglia’s olive groves, which had once produced almost half of Italy’s olive oil. Ballard’s haunting photographs capture all the longing and despair of a society that is not just dealing with a natural disaster but is also on the cusp of a new way of life as the modern world rapidly replaces the old. We also travel to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, deep in Norway’s frozen north to meet the keeper of ‘the most important room in the world’. On the subterranean shelves of the hidden seed bank, the Global Crop Diversity Trust keeps its precious deposits of samples from all round the planet deep in the Arctic Circle, to help safeguard the future food supplies of the world. Some plants thrive in sub-zero temperatures, of course, and elsewhere in volume 17 of rakesprogress we go in search of the elusive edelweiss, driven ever higher in the mountains by the incremental increase in global temperatures, as we climb to 2000m to explore the Alpine flower meadows. We also meet the Ukrainian artists fighting back against Vladimir Putin with ikebana and discover how British photographer Sian Davey turned an overgrown back yard into her own little Eden in Devon – a stunning location for her award-winning series The Garden. We also visit a ship’s graveyard on the River Severn and learn how one woman plans to create the most sustainable gold ring ever made by extracting precious metals from the soil using plants. At almost 300-pages, volume 17 is the biggest edition of rakesprogress published so far. Order your copy today.