Senza Futuro #6 - Deep Fried

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Senza Futuro #6 - Deep Fried

We're all greasy. We're all united. Extreme unction. Religion. Religiously gluttonous. Demand wellbeing. Break the loop. Drunken disorder. Fast food, fast life, fast death. Running faster than time.

Blackening the white spaces. Full bins. Abundance. White, red, green, and black squares. The predigital. Missing pixels. Image abuse. Power abuse. Culinary abuse. Expanded foam. Transparent latex.The density of information. Scrolling quickly. Concept restaurant. Concetta's restaurant. Exclusive cocktail bars. Elusive relationships. The devil wears ketchup. And silence. The implosion of many systems. The explosion of many things. Everything is better fried.

Senza Futuro is an indie magazine of cultural research, born in London and now based in Turin.